Monday, February 9, 2015

Cameron: 'It's Time Britain Had A Pay Rise'

David Cameron will call for business leaders to pass the benefits of economic growth and low oil prices to employees, saying Britain deserves a pay rise.

In a speech at the British Chambers of Commerce annual conference today, Mr Cameron will say economic success should be reflected in the contents of workers’ wallets.

The Prime Minister will argue that business chiefs should share the proceeds of economic growth with their workers.

“Economic success can’t just be shown in the GDP figures or on the balance sheets of British businesses … but in people’s pay packets and bank accounts and lifestyles,” he is expected to say.

“The most recent figures show that wages are already growing faster than inflation and as the economy continues to grow it’s important this continues and that everyone benefits.

“Put simply – it’s time Britain had a pay rise.”

He will tell the conference in Westminster that Britain is currently seeing “the strongest growth for seven years”.

“We are seeing falling oil prices, meaning businesses up and down the country have lower prices on their inputs,” he will say.

“Now that your costs are falling and it’s cheaper to do business, I’m confident that more businesses will pass on that good economic news to their workers in rising pay cheques and higher earnings.

“That’s good for your employees, it’s good for you to have happier and more productive staff and frankly it’s good for anyone who wants to make the argument for business.”

But the TUC’s general secretary Frances O’Grady dismissed Mr Cameron’s call as “no more than pre-election mood music”.

“Since David Cameron became Prime Minister, the average wage is worth £2,500 less a year, the worst fall in living standards since Queen Victoria was on the throne,” she said.

“Saying it would be nice if wages went up is no more than pre-election mood music.

“If elected again his policies would do the opposite.”

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls will also address the conference, and is expected to attack the Conservatives for creating damaging uncertainty for Britain’s businesses.

He will also argue that with working people £1,600 a year worse off than in 2010, more needs to be done to ensure rising prosperity for all.

“This is set to be the first time since the 1920s when working people are worse off at the end of the Parliament than they were at the beginning,” Mr Balls will say.

“So at a time when, even as our economy recovers, most people are not yet seeing the benefit in their wages and living standards, this is no time for complacency.

“If we are to win the argument that Britain can succeed in an open global economy, we have to show that our economy can deliver rising prosperity for everyone who works hard and plays by the rules.

“And that is not what people think is happening in our country at the moment.”

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Cameron: 'It's Time Britain Had A Pay Rise'

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