Monday, February 9, 2015

Ceremonial send-off for Prince

The Prince of Wales was given a ceremonial send off as he left Jordan for Kuwait – the second leg of his Middle East tour.

A guard of honour was waiting on the tarmac at Amman’s Marka airport when Charles arrived after completing his brief visit to Jordan.

The traditional red carpet was also laid out from the VIP terminal to the steps of Charles’ chartered plane.

Peter Millett, Britain’s ambassador to Jordan, was on hand to see him off.

When Charles arrives in Kuwait he will be welcomed by Britain’s ambassador to the Gulf state Matthew Lodge, Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf and prime minister Sheikh Jaber.

The Prince of Wales will travel to the Bayan palace for a meeting with Kuwait’s ruler Sheikh Sabah.

Charles is on a six-day tour of the Middle East and is making his seventh visit to Kuwait, his last was four years ago.

Tomorrow he will travel to Saudi Arabia then on to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

The final engagement of today will see Charles take part in a sunset ceremony on the warship HMS Dauntless.

The Type 45 destroyer set sail from the UK for the Gulf at the start of the year and is on a routine deployment.

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Ceremonial send-off for Prince

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