Monday, February 9, 2015

Charles meets Emir of Kuwait

The Prince of Wales spoke with pride about the Duke of Edinburgh turning 94 this year as he sat down to talks with the Emir of Kuwait.

When Charles was welcomed by the Gulf state’s ruler he revealed that his father had very good eyesight and hearing – and still goes out shooting.

The heir to the throne was met by Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf at the airport, receiving a ceremonial guard welcome, then travelled in a motorcade, more than 20 limousines strong, to the sumptuous Bayan palace in the capital Kuwait City.

He was ushered along a large marble clad hall lit by a huge glittering chandelier to a room where Kuwait’s ruler Sheikh Sabah welcomed him to his country.

As the two men talked via an interpreter the Emir asked about the health of the Queen and Charles replied that she was in “remarkable form, thank you very much, and my father too”.

The prince said: “I was telling the Crown Prince he will be 94 in June, inshallah (God willing)”.

He added: “He’s got very good eyesight and very good hearing – and still goes out shooting.”

As he said the words, he pointed to his eye then ear.

Like many of the Gulf states, Kuwait’s human rights record has caused some concern for campaigning groups.

When Charles left at the weekend for his six-day Middle East tour, Amnesty International UK called on the Prince to use his influence with Arab royal families to raise concerns about issues.

The organisation said that freedom of expression is curtailed in Kuwait, with critics of the government – including those using social media – at risk of arrest.

Last month a former MP, Saleh al-Mulla, was arrested and detained after he used Twitter to criticise a visit to Kuwait by Egypt’s president.

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Charles meets Emir of Kuwait

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