Monday, February 9, 2015

Exclusive Behind-The-Scenes Photos From Echosmith’s ‘Bright’ Music Video

Echosmith is releasing the video for their second single, “Bright,” and we were lucky enough to go behind the scenes at the shoot and get the 411 on what to expect from lead singer Sydney. We were already excited to see what the quartet had lined up for their second video since we still watch “Cool Kids” on the regular, and now we are more than excited.


Ben Linderman

Here we have Sydney getting ready with makeup artist Jen Budner. Looking at all these color—and brush!—options is making my makeup collection feel very sad and lonely.


Ben Linderman

Here’s Jen reapplying lipstick, which Sydney told us they need to “at least ten times in one video shoot.” Um, that’s more than I apply lipstick in a month—now I don’t feel so bad about my color not staying.


Ben Linderman

There are two different outfits in this video, but here are just some of the ~options~.


Ben Linderman

Seriously, there are options on options. I’d like to know more about that furry maroon coat in the back, please.


Ben Linderman

Sydney and her stylist, Candice Lambert, ultimately settled on two looks for the video—this is Sydney’s “glamping look.” The video involves camping, but, obviously, she couldn’t look like a normal person when she camps—unwashed hair is generally frowned upon in music videos—so she’s wearing “lipstick, heeled boots, and lots of real gold jewelry.” Sydney perfectly summed up how I feel about the outdoors, generally, when she told us, “Thank goodness I wasn’t doing real camping.”


Ben Linderman

Glamping accessories include “beautiful Catbird rings, Chan Luu bracelets, and a Q&Q watch.”


Ben Linderman

Sydney’s second outfit is definitely more glam than appropriate for camping, and she told us that she and Candice chose it because “it is such a unique dress.” She’s particularly fond of her oil slick-y shoes, which she said remind her “of space” and, LBR, “that is always a good thing.”


Ben Linderman

Sydney was equally as well-accessorized with her more dressed up outfit, especially on her fingers. Sydney told us she was “obsessed instantly.” The simple gold ring on her middle finger is not just for the shoot, though, Sydney told us, “[it] is my favorite ring in the world from Catbird and is basically my lucky charm. I have never taken it off!” Well, Sydney, it’s obviously working and #WERKS with your turquoise rings, so keep it on forevssss.

Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the “Bright” video coming soon!

Exclusive Behind-The-Scenes Photos From Echosmith’s ‘Bright’ Music Video

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