Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thursday's National Newspaper Front Pages


:: Daily Express

A study claims staying active, not smoking, limiting alcohol and eating fruit can add 10 years to your life

:: Daily Telegraph

Savers could pull their money from banks “within hours” if Scotland votes for independence, according to Swiss bank UBS

:: Financial Times

The Government will launch a review to look at alternatives to selling off state assets, just days before a report that is thought likely to criticise the sell-off of Royal Mail

:: Daily Mirror, The Times

Famous names are among 33,000 people in line for massive tax bills after profiting from tax avoidance schemes

But The Times says some investors in a scheme called Liberty will be let off paying because of a paperwork mistake

:: The Independent

The Foreign Office has been accused of a “cover-up” over alleged Government complicity in the CIA’s extraordinary rendition programme

:: Daily Mail

A Dutch regulator of assisted suicide has warned peers that legalising assisted suicide in the UK is a “slippery slope” to mass killing

:: The Sun

A jobless chef has won £2,500 after betting £5 that Germany would thrash Brazil 7-1

:: Daily Star

A story about TV show Big Brother.

:: Watch the Press Preview on Sky News every evening at 10.30pm and 11.30pm. Thursday’s reviewers are anthropologist and TV presenter Mary-Ann Ochota and Times columnist Matthew Syed.

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Thursday's National Newspaper Front Pages

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