Sunday, February 1, 2015

Boots Boss: Miliband Would Be A 'Catastrophe'

The boss of Boots has said Labour leader Ed Miliband would be a “catastrophe” for Britain if he became prime minister.

Stefano Pessina said Mr Miliband’s plans were “not helpful for business, not helpful for the country and in the end it probably won’t be helpful for them”.

Mr Miliband has also come in for criticism from within the Labour fold, with donor John Mills launching a fresh attack on the party’s direction.

Mr Pessina, who is acting chief executive of Boots, told The Sunday Telegraph: “If they acted as they speak, it would be a catastrophe.

“The problem is would they act that way or not?

“One thing is to threaten and to shout but it is completely different to be in charge and to manage the country day to day.”

But Labour peer and former Middle East envoy Lord Levy said the comments were “ill-advised” and “inappropriate”, adding many Boots customers were Labour supporters.

The party’s former chief fundraiser told Sky’s Dermot Murnaghan that he would not rule out raising money for Mr Miliband.

Mr Pessina also warned Britain leaving the European Union would be a “big mistake”.

David Cameron has promised an in/out referendum by the end of 2017 if he is returned to power after polling day on 7 May.

Former health secretary Alan Milburn said earlier this week that the party’s focus on extra funding for the NHS without plans for reforms could prove to be a “fatal mistake”.

Mr Miliband’s election chief Lucy Powell said attacks on Labour from its own side were “not helpful” and she said she disagreed with Mr Milburn.

She told Sky’s Dermot Murnaghan: “We’ve got a strong agenda about reforming the NHS to ensure people are looked after at home rather than turn up at hospital unnecessarily.

“When I read some of the newspapers today, I think it says more about the agendas of some of those newspapers than it does about how colleagues and how Labour activists are really feeling.”

She said they were feeling “pretty confident because here we are with around three months to go until the election. This is our election and we are ahead in the polls”.

And shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander dismissed Mr Pessina’s claims, calling them “rubbish”.

He told BBC One’s Andrew Marr Show: “We are going on to victory.”

Mr Mills, the founder of JML and Labour’s biggest individual donor, endorsed Mr Milburn’s warning and underlined his criticism of Labour’s mansion tax plan.

Mr Mills told the Mail on Sunday: “I agree with Milburn – if you look at the Continental model, they have a much greater mix of public and private provision.”

He added: “I am not convinced of the case for a tax on expensive properties. And it certainly should not be hypothecated for the NHS.

“It would be much better to introduce extra council tax bands and spend the money on local needs, such as affordable housing.”

The editor of the New Statesman, Jason Cowley, also renewed his criticism of Mr Miliband.

He told the Mail that the mood of Labour MPs is “not so much one of despair, it’s worse than that resignation”.

The party appeared to be “willing itself to defeat”, Mr Cowley added.

Chancellor George Osborne seized on Mr Pessina’s remarks.

He said: “This is a clear warning from the head of one of Britain’s biggest employers about the economic catastrophe the UK would suffer if Ed Miliband’s policies were put into effect.

“The price of this catastrophe would be paid by families across the country who would see their jobs and incomes put at risk.”

Amid the criticism, the party has said its campaign for the general election will focus on issues, not personalities.

David Cameron would not feature on any of its billboard posters, election strategist Douglas Alexander said.

Mr Alexander, who is also shadow foreign secretary, claimed the Conservatives would “plumb new depths” in the coming weeks and were preparing to spread “falsehood, fear and smear”.

Instead, Labour will avoid old fashioned campaigning and take its message directly to voters, Mr Alexander insisted.

Boots Boss: Miliband Would Be A 'Catastrophe'

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