Monday, February 2, 2015

Greek finance minister eyes debt deal very soon - UK's Channel 4

LONDON (Reuters) – Greece’s finance minister Yanis Varoufakis said on Monday that he expected to reach a rapid deal on Greece’s economic situation, according to a media report.

“There will be a deal in a very short space of time … that settles the Greek issue once and for all,” Varoufakis was quoted as saying by a reporter from British broadcaster Channel 4 News who had conducted an interview with him in London.

Varoufakis, who became finance minister on Jan. 27 as part of Greece’s new left-wing government, said in Paris on Sunday that Greece needed to end its “addiction” to overseas borrowing and go “cold turkey”.

(Reporting by William James, writing by David Milliken, editing by Andy Bruce)

Greek finance minister eyes debt deal very soon - UK's Channel 4

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