Saturday, January 31, 2015

Obama's choice as ambassador to Mexico withdraws her name

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama‘s choice to be U.S. ambassador to Mexico has withdrawn from consideration.

The White House says Maria Echaveste cites a prolonged confirmation process as well as her family’s best interests.

Obama nominated Echaveste last September. She had yet to receive a confirmation hearing in the Senate.

A graduate of Stanford University and Berkeley Law School, Echaveste was deputy chief of staff and a presidential assistant during the Clinton administration. When Hillary Rodham Clinton was secretary of state, she appointed Echaveste a special representative to Bolivia.

Echaveste is a partner in the consulting firm Nueva Vista Group in San Francisco. A native of Texas who grew up in California, Echaveste would have been the first American woman to be ambassador to Mexico.

Her withdrawal was first reported by Politico.

Obama’s choice as ambassador to Mexico withdraws her name–politics.html
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Obama's choice as ambassador to Mexico withdraws her name

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